Screening mammography frequency following dense breast notification among a predominantly Hispanic/Latina screening cohort

Erica J. Lee Argov, Carmen B. Rodriguez, Mariangela Agovino, Karen M. Schmitt, Elise Desperito, Anita G. Karr, Ying Wei, Mary Beth Terry, Parisa Tehranifar

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Purpose: Nationally legislated dense breast notification (DBN) informs women of their breast density (BD) and the impact of BD on breast cancer risk and detection, but consequences for screening participation are unclear. We evaluated the association of DBN in New York State (NYS) with subsequent screening mammography in a largely Hispanic/Latina cohort. Methods: Women aged 40–60 were surveyed in their preferred language (33% English, 67% Spanish) during screening mammography from 2016 to 2018. We used clinical BD classification from mammography records from 2013 (NYS DBN enactment) through enrollment (baseline) to create a 6-category variable capturing prior and new DBN receipt (sent only after clinically dense mammograms). We used this variable to compare the number of subsequent mammograms (0, 1, ≥ 2) from 10 to 30 months after baseline using ordinal logistic regression. Results: In a sample of 728 women (78% foreign-born, 72% Hispanic, 46% high school education or less), first-time screeners and women who received DBN for the first time after prior non-dense mammograms had significantly fewer screening mammograms within 30 months of baseline (Odds Ratios range: 0.33 (95% Confidence Interval (CI) 0.12–0.85) to 0.38 (95% CI 0.17–0.82)) compared to women with prior mammography but no DBN. There were no differences in subsequent mammogram frequency between women with multiple DBN and those who never received DBN. Findings were consistent across age, language, health literacy, and education groups. Conclusion: Women receiving their first DBN after previous non-dense mammograms have lower mammography participation within 2.5 years. DBN has limited influence on screening participation of first-time screeners and those with persistent dense mammograms.

Idioma originalEnglish
Páginas (desde-hasta)1133-1142
Número de páginas10
PublicaciónCancer Causes and Control
EstadoPublished - ago. 2024

ASJC Scopus Subject Areas

  • Oncology
  • Cancer Research


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